قياس أطقم اليد

قياس أطقم اليد


Our standard size for the handpiece on the wrist is 15.5 cm or 16 cm. At the bottom of figers of the palm horizontally is 7 cm, and vertically is 7 to 7.5 cm.

  1. Grab a tape measure.
  2. Wrap the tape measure around the wrist you’ll wear and mark the place where it joins, lay the tape on a flat surface and check the measurement.
  3. Place the tape measure horizontally under the palm of the hand you’ll wear and mark the place where it stops, lay the tape on a flat surface and check the measurement.
  4. Place the tape measure vertically under the palm of the hand you’ll wear and mark the place where it stops, lay the tape on a flat surface and check the measurement.
